Having a strong chest and arms is a dream of the young generation. Multiple exercises are there that work best for your core and other muscle groups. But Bench Press lies on the top of the list because it particularly targets the upper chest. Rounded circles and deep lines around the chest are possible due to bench press. this exercise requires you to go to fitness centers or gyms because the equipment/machinery can’t be placed at home. In this short article, we will come to know some basic facts about this certain workout and obviously will discuss some best alternatives to bench press.
Basic Workout
Bench Press is a hard workout in which you will target your chest, arms, and shoulders as well to some extent. It not only develops strength in the muscles but also boosts your stamina. The breathing rate will remain high during this activity letting your lungs work properly.
It looks very straightforward as you need to lie and push the weight upward against gravity. But when it comes to performing this move repeatedly, you will surely find it tough. Correct form and proper technique will let you reach the destination and gain positive results.
Benefits of Bench Press
The bench press is one of the most prominent exercises for core muscles and provides a plethora of benefits. Here are some important benefits of bench press for all and sundry:
Compounded Workout: Basically, bench press is targeting multiple muscle groups simultaneously, especially upper body muscles. Moreover, it also works positively for different joints like wrist joints, shoulder joints, etc.
Stability and Better Posturing: All through the movement, you have to maintain your body balance. While lifting the weight /down, you don’t have permission to flare your knees or elbows. Hence, you are getting better with your posturing and improving your stability.
Improves Cardio Health: Bench press is very gentle to the human’s health and respiratory system. By pumping the heart, it helps your lungs to achieve the required amount of oxygen. Moreover, your overall stamina will be improved and you won’t feel tired at all.
Fat Loss Exercise: if you have fat around your chest and you are performing a bench press, then no worries. Bench press has the functionality of losing chest fat that will help you gain a shaped chest.
Stronger Grip: During the exercise, you have to hold the barbell strongly which will surely increase your gripping power. Moreover, your wrist will also get wider as it will bear some pressure.
How to perform Bench Press
To perform bench press, you need to have a flat bench attached with a rack and a barbell. Now install the weighted plates on the barbell and set up the bench. Follow the instructions:
- Lie flat on the bench with your feet planted firmly on the surface. Make a 90-degree bend in the knees and keep the lower leg part out of the bench range.
- Hold the barbell with a strong grip and place the thumbs far away from the grip for additional support. make sure that your eyes are making contact with the bar in the parallel direction.
- Now lift the weight by contracting the chest and making a neutral spine. Don’t bend your elbows at any moment and position yourself carefully.
- Start with a low number of reps and try with lightweight. Don’t be so quick with the movements.
If you are feeling pain in any muscle group or facing problems related to health, consult with your fitness expert. Try to follow the proper form to avoid any external injuries.
Alternatives to Bench Press
Some people seek alternatives to bench press for some reason. One of the prime reasons behind this search is the higher risk of injuries. This workout is training different muscles/joints at the same time and requiring you to go heavier. Hence, the chance of getting injured becomes double and it may cause pain in the specific segments. Therefore, we have listed some of the alternatives to bench press that you can give a try:
1. Floor Press
The Floor Press works similarly to the bench press and targets similar muscle groups. It primarily targets the chest and triceps but if you do with proper focus, it may stabilize your shoulders. Floor press requires a greater degree of motion and involves your triceps deeply making it harder. But the hardest move will give the best results.
Moreover, this particular move is very gentle on your shoulders as it will not put pressure on these muscles. So, if you have problems with your shoulder muscles but want to train your chest properly, give this exercise a chance.
2. Dumbbell Bench Press
After all, the Dumbbell Bench Press is another chest-based exercise that is similar to the bench press. it targets the same muscles and requires a bench too. Lie straight on the bench and hold the dumbbells in both hands of equal weight. After getting in the position, lift the dumbbells and lockout them at the top. Make sure to contract the chest and don’t flare elbows.
Moreover, your body maintains stability and puts less stress on the shoulders. Just like bench press it also improves your breathing rate and generates strength in the upper body.
3. Pushups
Pushups are very common and easiest exercises amongst all of the chest workouts. It requires no equipment or specific weight to reach the goal. You can perform it anytime and anywhere without any tension. But to gain a positive response, you must perform it with the correct angle and not make a single mistake.
Your chest is the main target but optionally it targets your arms, shoulders, and back to some extent. Mostly, fitness experts recommend this workout as a warmup game for heavy exercises. It keeps your body stable and works better for posturing.
4. Cable Crossover

Cable Crossover is a machine-based exercise that will target the muscles of the chest primarily. A long range of motion develops the rounded chest and will challenge you to make a contraction. But you must choose the right height and weight to avoid any injuries. Performing it in an incorrect position may lead to overstress on the muscles.
While performing this particular exercise, you must have a strong lower leg position. When you pull the bars, your lower legs will bear some pressure. So having a strong foot position and proper body alignment is the key to success.
5. Dumbbell Pullover
Another effective and similar exercise to the bench press is the Dumbbell Pullover. It targets your chest and requires a single dumbbell. Lie straight on the flat bench and hold the dumbbell with both hands. Make sure to give back support to the dumbbell to carry it easily.
Core engagement is very important and you need to bring the dumbbell to the lockout position. Throughout the movement, you have to put stress on the chest muscles and don’t shift loads on the arms by moving them around. Slow movement will bring good results so don’t ever try to perform quickly as it will cause pain.
There is no debate that Bench Press is a quality exercise for a rounded chest. But due to some lacks, people may seek for its substitute. Surely, depending on a single exercise for the same goal is a foolish act and it may be a good idea to switch to other ones. Considering these facts in mind, we have researched the best alternatives to bench press that you can try. Feel free to experience these workouts and give positive remarks.
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